While the business of the law and judiciary was serious, there still was room for fun and not taking one’s self entirely too seriously. Chief Justice Elizabeth Weaver (retired) leads the Glen Arbor Kazoo Parade on the Fourth of July in what has become an annual tradition. (Traverse City Record-Eagle.)
Elizabeth A. Weaver’s life was a brilliant demonstration of her faith. She knew that all matters were, at root, spiritual. She lived by the precept of “Do Right and Fear Not.”
I found her intelligent, perceptive, trustworthy, and absolutely truthful, even when it didn’t show her in the best light. She didn’t make excuses for herself or for others. And, nothing less than the whole truth would do.
When she chastened her colleagues and former colleagues at the court there was never any personal animus. She loved them and wanted them simply to amend their behavior to comport with the law and ethics.
It has been an honor to work with her on the book; it now serves as a legacy. The writing and publication of this personal history was the last duty she said she owed the people of Michigan. She meant it to serve as a warning that absolute power and unnecessary secrecy would result in abuses, no matter who was at the helm. She sought openness, transparency, and accountability.
As a friend she was loyal, forgiving, and generous. She had a wonderful sense of humor and laughed much and long. Most important, she was a faithful follower of her Master.
David B. Schock, Ph.D.
Coauthor with Chief Justice Elizabeth A. Weaver Judicial Deceit: Tyranny and Unnecessary Secrecy at the Michigan Supreme Court