In the book, we cite examples where Maura Corrigan–as a justice of the Michigan Supreme Court–repeatedly caused unnecessary problems and troubles, most often for others, but sometimes–and rather spectacularly–for herself. Is she up to again in her new(ish) job? Rashida Tlaib says she is. Tlaib serves as the longest standing member on the state’s House Appropriations Human Services subcommittee (she is a Democrat from Detroit representing Michigan’s 6th District). Tlaib contends that as the director of the Michigan Department of Human Services, Corrigan has wasted more than $70 million and, perhaps more important, has repeatedly defied and misled the legislature/. You can read about it in Tlaib’s op-ed piece in yesterday’s Freep. Now, there may be politics in play here, but it should be a rather straightforward matter of finding out if accusations are so. Will anyone in the media rise to the occasion? After all, these are rather serious allegations. It would seem that inqiring minds might just want to know.